This page contains information for Site Directors. If you have any questions on getting your site ready, make sure you reach out to the  Regional Contest Director.

Preparing for the Contest

Make sure you have reviewed the Site Requirements and, in particular, the Internet access requirements. The contest is run with Kattis, the same judging system used at the ICPC World Finals and at many other contests worldwide. You must ensure that contestants have access only to the Kattis site (the Site Requirements page includes a list of ways in which you can secure your site) and that the provided compilers match, as closely as possible, the compilers used by the Kattis system.

In preparation for the contest, our Director of Systems will be running a number of dry runs using the exact same setup we will use on the day of the contest. We strongly encourage you to participate in these dry runs to ensure that everything is working correctly on your end.

Document Preparation

Each team must get a copy of the following documents, which you should print in advance of the contest, and provide to teams when they register on-site:

  • Kattis login sheet (1 per team). The login sheets will be sent to the site directors the week before the contest.
  • Notes to Teams (1 per team)
  • Practice Problem set (3 per team). This problem set will be available the week before the contest.

If necessary you should provide site-specific instructions. Here are some aspects on which you may need to provide site-specific instructions:

  • Login information for the contest machines.
  • Instructions on how to run the compilers, specially if it will be easy for students to inadvertently run the compiler in a way that is subtantially different than the Kattis setup (e.g., if your C++ compiler does not use C++11 by default)
  • Printing instructions.

Additionally, you must print copies of the actual Problem Set that will be used at the regional contest. However, these must not be handed out at registration. They should be distributed in such a way that students will not be able to see the problem set until the contest starts (see below for details)

Day before the Contest

The copies of the problem set may be printed the night before the contest. The printouts must be stored in a locked location overnight, and all copies must be accounted for before they are distributed at the contest. We recommend placing the copies in sealed envelopes (three copies per envelope) to easily distribute to the teams before the contest starts, and all remaining copies in a single large envelope (to distribute to the coaches once the contest starts).

Day of the the Contest

  1. Each year one of the regional chief judges will act as the contest-day point of contact to handle all questions and corrections. Please see the Contact page to see who this will be.
  2. All contest-day administration will be done via the Kattis website. Judging is done automatically by the Kattis site, so there is no need to have on-site judges. Nonetheless, site directors (and anyone the site director designates) will be given judge privileges on Kattis so they can see all submissions and judgements.
  3. Once the contest begins, if there are any teams that did not show up, call or email the Regional Contest Director..

Immediately after the Contest

Site Directors will have access to the unfrozen scoreboard on the Kattis site. However, You should not reveal this scoreboard until the Regional Contest Director sends out an “all clear”. In that message, the RCD will include an XML file that you can use to run ICPC’s scoreboard resolver (see the ICPC Tools page). We encourage you to use this tool, as it makes for a very exciting reveal of the final results for the entire region.